UC Davis and Cal Poly Humboldt launch program to attract Native Americans into medical school

The Huwighurruk Tribal Health Postbaccalaureate Program seeks to enroll pre-med students passionate about providing health care to American Indian and Alaska Native communities in rural and urban areas.

Huwighurruk is pronounced hee-way-gou-duck. In the Wiyot language, huwighurruk means plants, grass, leaves and medicine.

Beginning this fall, Huwighurruk scholars will be immersed in a culturally focused curriculum meshed with science courses at Cal Poly Humboldt’s campus in Arcata. The program will provide eligible students with a stipend for tuition and expenses such as preparation for the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) and mentorship with local Native physicians.”

Read the full article here.


OHSU/PSU School of Public Health Student Spotlight on Tribal Health Scholars Alumni: Bryanah Lopez


Dr. Allison Empey Awarded the APA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Transformational Leader Award